BitKnights Ltd 应用

Dictionary Spanish French 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Spanish French Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Polish English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Polish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Exact Altimeter 1.7
BitKnights Ltd
Simple and powerful altimeter applicationwhich shows your current elevation and is able to show you thealtitude of any points you tap on the map.You can also save them, and check them later. You can share yourlocation on Facebook and/or Twitter.
Babel Voice Translator 1.6
BitKnights Ltd
The best voice translator ever with the mostaccurate speech recognition engine! If you do not want to get yourphone whenever an immediate translation is required, then use thiswonderful app through your Android smartwatch!Are you learning a new language? Are you going to travel to aforeign country where you don't speak the language? Have you alwaysdreamed to learn how to swear in 35 different languages?Well, the wait is over. Babel's here for you. You only have tospeak your mind, then using the world's best speech recognitionengine, Babel will understand it, translate it, and speak it in thelanguage you choose.Granted, you'll have to speak at least one language for this towork. Preferably one of the 35 we currently support.So basically, you have your own interpreter translatingimmediately, for a lot less than an actual interpreter would cost.Eats a lot less too. Well, it only needs some internet connection,but not much.
Dictionary French Italian 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * Morethan 47,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages.That's why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, andwill continue to do so in the future. Our French Italian Dictionary& Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates fromitalian to french and french to italian.Features:- Voice pronunciation and input- More than 47,000 translation pairs- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)- Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to findits translations- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase- Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy theword or phrase- Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)- History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support- Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharingwords with the dictionary from other apps.- Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily byenabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tappingon the notification bar.If you like our app, please review it.
Dictionary Turkish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Turkish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Russian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * Morethan 31,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages.That's why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, andwill continue to do so in the future. Our Russian EnglishDictionary & Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, userfriendly dictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translatesfrom english to russian and russian to english.Features:- Voice pronunciation and input- More than 31,000 translation pairs- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)- Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to findits translations (Only in PRO version!)- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase- Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy theword or phrase (Only in PRO version!)- Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)- History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support (Only in PROversion!)- Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharingwords with the dictionary from other apps. (Only in PROversion!)- Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily byenabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tappingon the notification bar. (Only in PRO version!)If you like our app, please review it.
Free Dict Swedish English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Swedish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Russian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * More than 31,000translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input * IntegratedGoogle/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connection required(except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search) BitKnights makesquality apps for people who love or use languages. That's why wehave been developing this app for 5 years now, and will continue todo so in the future. Our Russian English Dictionary &Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates fromenglish to russian and russian to english. Features: - Voicepronunciation and input - More than 31,000 translation pairs -Quick search while typing (accentuation independent) - Detailedview of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms - Word-tap: youcan tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase - Copy in detailed view: long tappingon any word will copy the word or phrase - Integrated Google/BingTranslate (Internet connection is required!) - Integrated Wikisearch (Internet connection is required!) - History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support - Translate by Sharefunctionality: translate easily by sharing words with thedictionary from other apps. - Translate from Clipboard notificationbar: translate easily by enabling notification bar copying text tothe clipboard and tapping on the notification bar. If you like ourapp, please review it.
Dictionary Brazilian English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Brazilian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Dictionary French English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline French English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
MnemoLingo - The Word Trainer
BitKnights Ltd
"I've learned 3000 words with MnemoLingo!" -The developer's momSeriously, you just download it and you're done. No tests. Noheadaches. Just a free download, and you're proficient in any ofthe 14 (English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian,Russian, Greek, Turkish, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak,Romanian) languages we currently support. You don't believeit?Well, you shouldn't. MnemoLingo is not Gandalf (or Dumbledore, foryou HP folks). So just forget the above.What it is however, is a really handy little app, which will helpyou learn the most important words of the language you choose.You'll be able to pick a topic (Man & Family, House &Hobby, City & Traveling, Eating, Work & Education, World ofAnimals, Plants & Garden, Geography & Weather, Verbs toKnow, Adjectives to Know), start a game you prefer, and collectpoints. For these points, you can get new fun games. And before youknow it, you've learned a bunch of new words. Sounds good? Well,it's not over yet:You'll soon figure out that there is whole new way to learn thewords you want: you can start a course in MnemoLingo!Don't worry, you won't have to go anywhere. There are no teachers,bullies, stolen lunch-boxes, exams or cheerleaders around (thoughthis last one is a bummer, admittedly). What you do have, is twoweeks. Two weeks to learn as many words as you can, by completingone really fun test every day. MnemoLingo will use it's Skynet likesophisticated algorithm to figure out what words you need to testagain in any given day, and if you do well, and don't skip too manydays (we've got notifications for you, don't sweat), you'll learn alot of new words in a very short time.You'll also get achievements, so you can show your friends how goodyou are. Or bad. It's kind of up to you. MnemoLingo will not laughat you. It may zap you with a few electric bolts here and there,but it won't hurt much.So just to summarize for all you 3 people still reading this:you'll have a lot of fun with MnemoLingo, which will lead to youlearning new words.I think this may be the deal of the century.
Dictionary Ukrainian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * Morethan 138,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages.That's why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, andwill continue to do so in the future. Our Ukrainian EnglishDictionary & Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, userfriendly dictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translatesfrom english to ukrainian and ukrainian to english.Features:- Voice pronunciation and input- More than 138,000 translation pairs- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)- Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to findits translations- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase- Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy theword or phrase- Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)- History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support- Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharingwords with the dictionary from other apps.- Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily byenabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tappingon the notification bar.If you like our app, please review it.
Free Dict Spanish French 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Spanish French Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Spanish Italian
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Spanish Italian Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Romanian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Romanian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict French Italian 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * Morethan 47,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages.That's why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, andwill continue to do so in the future. Our French Italian Dictionary& Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates fromitalian to french and french to italian.Features:- Voice pronunciation and input- More than 47,000 translation pairs- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)- Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to findits translations (Only in PRO version!)- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase- Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy theword or phrase (Only in PRO version!)- Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)- History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support (Only in PROversion!)- Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharingwords with the dictionary from other apps. (Only in PROversion!)- Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily byenabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tappingon the notification bar. (Only in PRO version!)If you like our app, please review it.
Free Dict Croatian English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Croatian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Romanian English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Romanian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Brazilian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * More than 34,000translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input * IntegratedGoogle/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connection required(except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search) BitKnights makesquality apps for people who love or use languages. That's why wehave been developing this app for 5 years now, and will continue todo so in the future. Our Brazilian/Portuguese English Dictionary& Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates fromenglish to brazilian/portuguese and brazilian/portuguese toenglish. Features: - Voice pronunciation and input - More than34,000 translation pairs - Quick search while typing (accentuationindependent) - Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases andsynonyms - Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view,to find its translations (Only in PRO version!) - Speech indetailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce you the selectedword or phrase - Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any wordwill copy the word or phrase (Only in PRO version!) - IntegratedGoogle/Bing Translate (Internet connection is required!) -Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!) - History& Favorites - Moon Reader and FBReader translate support (Onlyin PRO version!) - Translate by Share functionality: translateeasily by sharing words with the dictionary from other apps. (Onlyin PRO version!) - Translate from Clipboard notification bar:translate easily by enabling notification bar copying text to theclipboard and tapping on the notification bar. (Only in PROversion!) If you like our app, please review it.
Free Dict Ukrainian English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Ukrainian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Dictionary Latin English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Latin English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Greek English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Greek English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Greek English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * Morethan 29,000 translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search)BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages.That's why we have been developing this app for 5 years now, andwill continue to do so in the future. Our Greek English Dictionary& Translator is an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with a huge database. Lightning fast translates fromenglish to greek and greek to english.Features:- Voice pronunciation and input- More than 29,000 translation pairs- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)- Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases and synonyms- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to findits translations- Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word will pronounce youthe selected word or phrase- Copy in detailed view: long tapping on any word will copy theword or phrase- Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection is required!)- History & Favorites- Moon Reader and FBReader translate support- Translate by Share functionality: translate easily by sharingwords with the dictionary from other apps.- Translate from Clipboard notification bar: translate easily byenabling notification bar copying text to the clipboard and tappingon the notification bar.If you like our app, please review it.
Dictionary Croatian English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Croatian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Bulgarian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Bulgarian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Dictionary Hungarian German
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Hungarian German Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Swedish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Swedish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Slovak English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Slovak English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Danish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Danish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Esperanto English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Esperanto English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Free Dict Latin English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Latin English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Hungarian German 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Hungarian German Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Turkish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Turkish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict German English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline German English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Spanish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Spanish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Danish English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Danish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Esperanto English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Esperanto English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Free Dict Italian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Italian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Bulgarian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Bulgarian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Free Dict Czech English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Czech English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Polish English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Polish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict French English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline French English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Italian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Italian English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Dutch English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
Selling over 1,000,000 dictionary apps * More than65,000translation pairs * Voice pronunciation and input *IntegratedGoogle/Bing Translate * Phrases * No internet connectionrequired(except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search) BitKnightsmakesquality apps for people who love or use languages. That's whywehave been developing this app for 5 years now, and will continuetodo so in the future. Our Dutch English Dictionary &Translatoris an easy to use, lightning fast, user friendlydictionary with ahuge database. Lightning fast translates fromenglish to dutch anddutch to english. Features: - Voicepronunciation and input - Morethan 65,000 translation pairs - Quicksearch while typing(accentuation independent) - Detailed view ofthe chosen word withphrases and synonyms - Word-tap: you can tap onany word in thedetailed view, to find its translations (Only in PROversion!) -Speech in detailed view: clicking on any word willpronounce youthe selected word or phrase - Copy in detailed view:long tappingon any word will copy the word or phrase (Only in PROversion!) -Integrated Google/Bing Translate (Internet connection isrequired!)- Integrated Wiki search (Internet connection isrequired!) -History & Favorites - Moon Reader and FBReadertranslatesupport (Only in PRO version!) - Translate by Sharefunctionality:translate easily by sharing words with the dictionaryfrom otherapps. (Only in PRO version!) - Translate fromClipboardnotification bar: translate easily by enablingnotification barcopying text to the clipboard and tapping on thenotification bar.(Only in PRO version!) If you like our app, pleasereview it.
Dictionary Hungarian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Hungarian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android
Free Dict Slovak English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Slovak English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Finnish English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Finnish English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Dictionary Dutch English
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Dutch English Dictionary and Translator forAndroid
Free Dict Hungarian English 4.0
BitKnights Ltd
The leading, offline Hungarian English Dictionary and Translatorfor Android